I've been a writer as long as I can remember. Even as a child, the scratch of the pen across a page soothed my soul. There was something so magical about bringing into being--in a tangible way--an idea or story that had not existed just moments before. I loved stories. My closest and most understanding companions lay in the pages of my favorite books. The worlds that those words opened to me sparked a creative pull within me to bring forth still more. Once I started writing, I never stopped. I kept journals, entered poetry contests, and even tried my hand a writing a screenplay. As I aged out of other pastimes, writing remained. In more difficult times, it offered solace and a safe place to explore and express my pain.
For years, I have jealously guarded the words that flow so naturally from me. My home office is filled with stacks and stacks of journals memorializing the events of my life and the evolution of my innermost reality. I have always been a writer. Even now, I spend much of my day writing. But, as much as I love the persuasive prose of my chosen profession, my soul knows that its words were meant for more. So, I write. Not just in one of the many notebooks on my shelf, but here. For you. And for me. I write openly and honestly for our collective growth and highest good. I write to share my experience with anyone it might serve. I write because more is always revealed.